Backstage Dance Center - Jazz & Hip Hop


      Welcome to Backstage Dance Center's uniform selection page. Please ensure you have selected the correct color per product before making your purchase! The products below are suggestions, you may shop the entire website.

      Students should be dressed properly in order to receive proper guidance from the instructor. This policy is important for the safety and education of the student. Please read carefully and contact your studio with any questions or concerns.

      For All Classes including Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Theater Arts, Acrobatics Creative Movement

      • Hair must be up: i.e. (pony tail, braids, buns). Short hair should be pulled up off the face as much as possible.

      • Option 1 - Leotard may be whatever sleeve length the dancer is comfortable in. Unitards are also acceptable. Tights must always be worn. Tights help to warm up muscles and protect the dancers legs and feet.

      • Option 2 - Black Athletic shorts/pants and white t-shirt.

      Attire for (Hip Hop and Contemporary) - Athletic Wear

      Shoe Requirements Jazz Shoes in Caramel or Sneakers for Hip Hop in Black

      24 products