Footprints - SILKS/LYRA – Girls


      Welcome to Footprints Uniform Selection Page.

      All dancers must wear suitable dancewear for each class. Midriff shirts and sports bras are not proper dance attire for any style. Failure to remember dancewear, shoes, appropriate hairstyle, or unsuitable clothing is not permitted, and after the 2nd occurrence, the dancers will be asked to sit and watch the class. The dress code for FPIM classes is outlined below:

      • Must wear a leotard with tights OR a leotard with leggings
      • Barefoot
      • Hair in a bun, slicked back out of the face, no bangs, and no jewelry of any kind
      • Leggings and Leotards cannot have sequins, zippers, buttons, or anything sharp that may tear the silks.
      • Please note that if a dancer is found to be wearing jewelry or clothing that may cause damage to the silks, a verbal warning will be given to the dancer, and an email will be sent to the parent. It is essential to avoid further infractions, as each additional occurrence will result in an automatic fine of $50. I appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the safety and integrity of our equipment.

      The following products are suggestion only - you may shop from the website for alternative styles with your level's dress code!

      14 products